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Ragtime, The Musical: All-Star Reunion Concert

$216 in full / $18 ongoing monthly sustainer

CD: Songs From Ragtime The Musical
Playbill Broadway Tote 
Book: Ragtime (by E.L. Doctorow)


$144 in full / $12 ongoing monthly sustainer

Playbill Broadway Tote


$72 in full / $6 ongoing monthly sustainer

CD: Songs From Ragtime The Musical


Raising Mentally Strong Kids with Daniel Amen, M.D.

$240 in full / $20 ongoing monthly sustainer

DVD: Raising Mentally Strong Kids with Daniel Amen, M.D.  
Book: Raising Mentally Strong Kids: How to Combine the Power of Neuroscience with Love and Logic to Grow Confident, Kind, Responsible, and Resilient Children and Young Adults (by Daniel Amen, M.D., and Charles Fay, PhD)
Workbook + Tips for Grandparents
Parenting with Love and Logic Complete Video Series
Brain Fit Life 5.0 App 
Brain Thrive by 5 On-Demand Video Training Program 
Brain Thrive by 25 On-Demand Video Training Program 


$72 in full / $6 ongoing monthly sustainer 

DVD: Raising Mentally Strong Kids with Daniel Amen, M.D.


Rick Steves’ European Christmas

$180 in full / $15 ongoing monthly sustainer

DVD: (17 Set) Rick Steves’ Europe | Complete 20-Year Anthology

DVD: Rick Steves’ European Christmas
Book: Rick Steves’ European Christmas 
CD: : Rick Steves’ European Christmas
DVD: (2 Set) Rick Steves’ Travel Skills
Rick Steves’ Best Destinations, Travel Newsletter


$60 in full / $5 ongoing monthly sustainer

DVD: Rick Steves’ European Christmas
Book: Rick Steves’ European Christmas 
CD: : Rick Steves’ European Christmas
DVD: (2 Set) Rick Steves’ Travel Skills
Rick Steves’ Best Destinations, Travel Newsletter


Rick Steves’ European Festivals

$240 in full / $20 ongoing monthly sustainer

Rick Steves’ Europe: The Specials Collection

Book: Rick Steve’s European Festivals
Book: Rick Steve’s European Easter
Book: Rick Steve’s European Christmas
DVD: (17 Set) Rick Steves’ Europe | Complete 20-Year Anthology
DVD: Rick Steves’ Europe — 10 New Shows Set
DVD: (2 Set) Rick Steves’ Travel Skills
Rick Steves’ Best Destinations, Travel Newsletter


$120 in full / $10 ongoing monthly sustainer

Rick Steves’ Europe: The Specials Collection

Book: Rick Steve’s European Festivals
Book: Rick Steve’s European Easter
Book: Rick Steve’s European Christmas
DVD: (2 Set) Rick Steves’ Travel Skills
Rick Steves’ Best Destinations, Travel Newsletter


$60 in full / $5 ongoing monthly sustainer

Rick Steves’ Europe: The Specials Collection

Book: Rick Steve’s European Festivals
DVD: (2 Set) Rick Steves’ Travel Skills
Rick Steves’ Best Destinations, Travel Newsletter


Rick Steves: Heart of Italy

$180 in full / $15 ongoing monthly sustainer

DVD: (19 Set) Rick Steves: Heart of Italy
Book: Europe Through the Back Door Guidebook
Book: Italy Guidebook


$60 in full / $5 ongoing monthly sustainer

DVD: Rick Steves: Heart of Italy
Book: Europe Through the Back Door Guidebook
DVD: (2 Set) Rick Steves' Travel Skills


$60 in full / $5 ongoing monthly sustainer

DVD: Rick Steves: Heart of Italy
DVD: (2 Set) Rick Steves' Travel Skills
Book: Italy Guidebook


Rick Steves' Europe | Mighty Alps

$180 in full / $15 ongoing monthly sustainer

Book: For the Love of Europe: My Favorite Places, People, and Stories (by Rick Steves)

DVD: (2 Set) Rick Steves Art of Europe
DVD: (2 Set) Rick Steves' Travel Skills
Rick Steves’ Best Destinations, Travel Newsletter

Rick Steves' Europe Planning Map


$96 in full / $8 ongoing monthly sustainer

Book: For the Love of Europe: My Favorite Places, People, and Stories (by Rick Steves)

DVD: (2 Set) Rick Steves Art of Europe
DVD: (2 Set) Rick Steves' Travel Skills
Rick Steves’ Best Destinations, Travel Newsletter


Rock, Pop, and Doo Wop

$72 in full / $6 ongoing monthly sustainer

DVD: (7 Set) Rock, Pop, and Doo Wop
CD: (2 Set) Rock, Pop, and Doo Wop


Roy Orbison & Friends — A Black and White Night

$180 in full / $15 ongoing monthly sustainer

Vinyl: Roy Orbison — King of Hearts
DVD: Roy Orbison — Black & White Night 30th Edition
CD: Roy Orbison — Black & White Night 30th Edition
Roy Orbison Signature Sunglasses


$120 in full / $10 ongoing monthly sustainer

Vinyl: Roy Orbison — King of Hearts


$84 in full / $7 ongoing monthly sustainer

DVD: Roy Orbison — Black & White Night 30th Edition
CD: Roy Orbison — Black & White Night 30th Edition


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