Women's History Month - Untold Stories: Mina Miller Edison, The Wizard's Wife

About the Show
Mina Miller Edison, while perhaps best-known as Thomas Edison's wife, was a remarkable woman in her own right. Mina's diary entries hint at a side of the prolific inventor not always seen by the public, while her personal - and often candid - letters to friends and family reflect her own struggles and accomplishments. UNTOLD STORIES: MINA MILLER EDISON, THE WIZARD'S WIFE explores Mina's direct and lasting impact, specifically on the Edison's winter estate in Fort Myers, Florida and their Glenmont estate in New Jersey. Like the private and public gardens she sowed and tended, Mina Miller Edison's charity work planted the seeds for growth, change and beautification that can still be seen today.
Tues, 03/31 at 1:00 AM
Tues, 03/31 at 9:00 AM
Fri, 04/03 at 4:00 AM
Fri, 04/03 at 10:00 AM