A message from WKNO'S Teacher Teacher:
To all my friends and parents who have found a place in your heart for me. I do not take it for granted. WKNO's Teacher Teacher desires every child to know how special, smart, and loved they are. Whenever and wherever I have encountered you, whether through the television, at school, at church, at a community event, a grocery store, the library, or even at a child's birthday party, please know that you are a special part of the WKNO family and you have a special place in my heart. Your smiles and hugs are everything, my friend. You make every day a joy and are why I do what I do. WKNO's Teacher Teacher would not exist without you. Keep watching for me and don't forget to "stay safe." Until next time remember. . .
You are smart and can be what you want to be.
But you've got to use your heart to guide you
Then you'll soar higher than even the birds in the sky.
Love Always,
WKNO's Teacher Teacher